Conférence de Maria Castañeda Díaz: Technological appropriation, interculturality, and community work in a rural town of the state of Mexico: the transnational community between La Loma and Illinois

Le LABRRI et la Chaire de recherche du Canada en communication interculturelle et technologies de gestion en contexte pluraliste vous invite à une conférence de Maria Castañeda Díaz, candidate au doctorat en sciences politiques et sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México et stagiaire doctorale à la Chaire: Technological appropriation, interculturality, and community work in a rural town of the state of Mexico: the transnational community between La Loma and Illinois.

Résumé de la conférence

People who migrated to the United States from La Loma, located in the centre of México, can be conceived as “connected migrants” who care about their community and their eventual return after retirement. Based on an ethnographic research, Maria Castañeda explains how migrants along with their relatives and friends from the village, are organizing community work (using different tools like WhatsApp) to remodel their town. Although, they are doing it following the worldviews they have forged over the years of circulating between Mexico and the United States.

Date : 2 novembre 2022
Heures : 13h à 15h
Lieu : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
Local : P4-1000
Lien zoom: Veuillez communiquer avec Éric Tremblay

*Prendre note que la présentation va se passer en anglais

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