Nouveau livre sur la rencontre à travers la musique du monde

“Music and Globalization: Critical Encounters” vient de paraître sur Indiana University Press

Voici le résumé du livre en anglais:

” “World music” emerged as a commercial and musical category in the 1980s, but in some sense music has always been global. Through the metaphor of encounters, Music and Globalization explores the dynamics that enable or hinder cross-cultural communication through music. In the stories told by the contributors, we meet well-known players such as David Byrne, Peter Gabriel, Sting, Ry Cooder, Fela Kuti, and Gilberto Gil, but also lesser-known characters such as the Senegalese Afro-Cuban singer Laba Sosseh and Raramuri fiddle players from northwest Mexico. This collection demonstrates that careful historical and ethnographic analysis of global music can show us how globalization operates and what, if anything, we as consumers have to do with it.”

Ce livre est édité par Bob W. White et contient des contributions de Denis-Constant Martin, Steven Feld, Rafael Bastos, Philip Hayward, Ariana Hernandez-Reguant, Daniel Noveck, Richard Shain, Barbara Brown, Timothy Taylor and Bob W. White.

Pour visualiser les éléments audio-visuels qui accompagnent chaque chapitre du livre, consultez le site web suivant:

Pour avoir plus d’information sur le volume, cliquez ici:

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