Un article signé Drudi et White sur la subjectivité et la rigueur dans l’analyse qualitative

Nous souhaitons partager avec vous la toute dernière publication de Guy Drudi et Bob White « Subjectivity and rigour in the use of qualitative analysis software» dans le livre «How to Do Migration Research » édité par Ricard Zapata-Barrero et Daniela Vintila.


Research in social sciences has long been plagued with the problem of how to account for the subjective nature of qualitative data without sacrificing the principle of scientific rigour. This issue is especially important in the field of migration studies, which draws from multiple disciplinary and methodological traditions. This chapter sets out to explain how digital technologies (in the form of software programs for qualitative analysis) have the potential to change the way we prepare and process data on migration and intercultural relations. The chapter provides a description of qualitative analysis software (QAS) and discusses some of the benefits, but also the disadvantages, of its use in the field of migration studies. It concludes by arguing that while these tools represent significant advances in terms of scientific rigour, they cannot fully eliminate subjectivity in qualitative analysis, while also requiring a certain investment up front in terms of money and time.


Qualitative analysis software; Scientific rigour; Subjectivity; Coding; Keywords; Mixed methods

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