A CRIC, Jean-Baptiste Meilleur primary school and LABRRI collaboration

As a part of a partnership between Carrefour de Ressource en Interculturel (CRIC) and LABRRI, a group of 5 anthropology student from University de Montréal have participated in a project that aims to improve the integration process of immigrant families in Quebec schools, specifically in the Centre-Sud district. The team of students, composed of Gabriel Dubé, Laurence Hamel, Mélissa Miliani, Caroline Poliquin et Noémie Trosseille, interviewed the children’s parents in integration classes on their experiences with the school, their information needs and their recommendations for improving school life and integration.

About twenty parents from the primary school Jean-Baptiste Meilleur shared their experiences, identified their needs and suggested new measures in a written survey. The survey was done on a voluntary and anonymous basis with the collaboration of the principals office teachers.

We can see here that the survey sample had participants with a wide variety of ethnocultural background.

graphique cric labrri


In the interests of fairness and representativeness, a phone service was offered to parents whose fluency in French could hinder participation. Subsequently, parents wishing to continue their testimony further could participate in individual interviews. A translation service has been offered for the two stages of the investigation. The data obtained from the survey and the interviews were analyzed first by LABRRI students, under the supervision of CRIC’s project manager, and then put into the social context by the Jean-Baptiste Meilleur team in order to use the information to facilitate the integration of immigrant families in Centre-Sud’s schools.



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